The Crawford AuSable Excellence in Education Foundation (CAEEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was created in August 2015 to: 1) provide academic scholarships to graduating students of the CASD who will attend post-secondary schools to earn degrees AND 2) provide funds for grants to classes and educational organizations in the CASD.
With your help, we reached our initial goal of raising $1 million in September 2021. Now we invite you to help us raise additional funds to continue supporting our graduates, students and staff by making a donation to CAEEF. (See how to donate in the column to the right.)
Our Grayling High School scholarship program, which began in spring 2017, is growing:
In 2017, we gave $4,000 to four graduates.
In 2018, we gave $8,500 to nine graduates.
In 2019, we gave $11,600 to nine graduates. (This was also our first year to award two four-year scholarships.)
In 2020, we gave $12,200 to 15 graduates (including two more four-year scholarships for a total of four).
In 2021, we gave $23,000 to 17 graduates (including two more four-year scholarships for a total of six).
In 2022, we gave $57,500 to 17 graduates (including two more four-year scholarships for a total of eight) and 1 scholarship to an undergraduate student.
In 2023, we gave $41,000 to 15 graduates (including three four-year scholarships and one two-year scholarship).
In 2024, we gave $48,500 to 25 graduates (including three four-year scholarships and one two-year scholarship).
(For more information on scholarships, please see the Scholarships Programs page.)
Our grants program, which we started in summer 2018 for the benefit of all CASD students, is growing as well:
In summer 2018 we awarded two grants -- $1,000 to the GHS chemistry department for laboratory equipment and $1,000 to the GMS art department for digital cameras.
In winter 2019 we awarded three grants: $1,100 to the GHS Physical Education Department for heart rate monitors, $600 to the GES Imagination Library and $300 to the GHS and GMS Viking Renaissance Programs for their prize closets, rallies and drawings.
In summer 2019, we awarded three grants: $1,100 to the GES STEM program for two Makey Makey invention kits, $400 to the GMS robotics class for one super kit (+) and $100 to the GHS Viking Renaissance Program for prizes.
In winter 2020, we awarded four grants: $850 to the GES STEM/Robotics program to go toward a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 kit, $850 to GES for supplies for its BEE-Healthy Garden, $850 to the GMS World Cultures & Cuisines class for ingredients for dishes and $850 to the GMS Language Arts Department for its Shakespeare Drama unit.
In winter 2021, we awarded five grants: $1,968 to GES for K-2 STEM equipment, $1,200 to GES for microscopes for science classes, $750 to the GMS art department for digital cameras, $141 to the GHS Viking Renaissance Program for its prize closet and $141 to GMS for its Junior Viking Renaissance Program.
In spring 2022, we awarded 10 grants: $1,200 to the GES Hiking Club for supplies, $396 to GES for field trips to the Ziibiwing Cultural Center, $1,280 for supplies for the GES Music Room, $900 to the GES Healthy Kids Club, $360 for supplies for the GMS Forensic Science Class, $500 to the GMS Dream Team Program, $480 to the GMS Language Arts Department for its Shakespeare Unit, $1,000 for GES, GMS and GHS Physical Education Classes to purchase snowshoes, $1,200 for the GMS & GHS Choir Departments to purchase technology equipment and $1,560 to the GHS Chemistry Department for equipment.
In spring 2023, we awarded eight grants: $1,050 to the GHS science department for equipment, $2,000 to GES for a third grade field trip to Fort Michilimackinac, $1,300 for volleyball standards for GES Physical Education classes, $500 to GMS for supplies for the World Cultures classes, $1,250 for the GHS eSports team's annual dues, $1,000 for technology in the GMS and GHS band rooms, $500 for a portable interactive table at GMS and $400 to for a trail camera for the GMS Zoology class.
In spring 2024, we awarded nine grants: $1,800 to the GES for books for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, $1,800 to GES for a third grade field trip to Fort Michilimackinac, $1,500 to GES for Mystery Science Packs for grades K-4th, $750 to GES for a robot for the LEGO Vikes team, $250 to GES for the Marathon Kids Mileage Club, $887 to GMS for three types of volleyballs for physical education classes, $391 to GMS digital cameras and wired computer mice for the yearbook class, $2,122 to GHS for Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) materials for an English/language arts classroom and $1,000 to GHS for a vertical jump mat for physical education classes and sports teams.
(For more information on grants, please see the Grants Program page.)
The photo at the top of the page was taken by a GMS art student using one of the digital cameras funded by a CAEEF grant in 2018.
You can donate to CAEEF
The major source of our fundraising comes from donations, and we hope you'll consider giving to CAEEF. Whether a gift within your means is $10, $1,000 or somewhere in between, be assured that your tax-deductible donation will go directly to help our students, graduates, staff and schools.
Please select the DONATE button to the left to easily donate online.
We are creating a data base of CASD alumni, former students and friends. Please take a few moments to complete the form below.